TELKOM has successfully obtained the IATF certification

TELKOM Foundry has successfully obtained the prestigious IATF 16949 certification, reaffirming our commitment to maintaining high-quality standards in the automotive industry.

The IATF 16949 certificate is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems in the automotive industry. It sets demanding standards for organizations in the automotive supply chain and is awarded to companies demonstrating unwavering commitment to strict quality control and partner satisfaction.

Andreja Bajda, Quality Sector Manager, commented on this new milestone: “By obtaining the IATF 16949 standard, we have achieved an even higher level of excellence. This also confirms our commitment to quality and continuous improvement. I would especially like to thank all our employees for their hard work and dedication, which made this achievement possible. Together, we will continue to maintain the highest standards and provide high-quality products and services to our partners.”

With the acquisition of the IATF 16949 certificate, Livarna Telkom reinforces its reputation as a trustworthy and reliable partner in the automotive supply chain. This achievement demonstrates the foundry’s ability to deliver precisely manufactured components that meet the demanding standards of the automotive market, ensuring reliability, safety, and efficiency.

We look forward to the continued growth and development of our production in the automotive industry and the opportunities that lie ahead in the future.

Livarna Telkom, specializirana za visokotlačno litje aluminija, že vrsto let uspešno sodeluje z različnimi partnerji pri izvedbi zahtevnih projektov. S stalnim izboljševanjem procesov, usmerjenostjo v izvoz in strogim upoštevanjem najvišjih standardov, gradimo trdno prihodnost. Naša zavezanost k odličnosti nas bo še naprej vodila k trajnostni rasti in vzpostavljanju partnerstev z uglednimi podjetji.
TELKOM d.o.o.
  • Cesta Točke Čeč 45. SLO - 1420 Trbovlje, Slovenia
  • SI12114065


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